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Full Version: Streamside HaNDBOOK
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I was just given a copy of the fly fishermans streamside handbook by Craig Woods.

Does anyone else have this and what is your opinion of it??

I don't think I have ever seen it, but I would love to hear about it.
From what I have scanned thru on this book it was printed in 81 (1st print).... and it pretty much goes thru everything from how to cast to fly charts, to knots and so on... what I did find interesting on it was that the "plates" of pictures of flies in some cases were set in the book backwards.. meaning for example .. top two flies in the picture were listed as say royal wulff and renegade .. in that order.. when in fact the wulff was on the right and the renegade was on the left...

also, from what I can see.. the author of the book signed this copy.. but it is not addressed to anyone.. just a signature near the front cover...

I did look it up on ebay and found the 81 copy.. and what looked to be a newer version or reprint of it...

Was just curious if anyone was familiar with it ...
