03-19-2012, 10:20 PM
I wasn't even going to post up cause the smell of skunk was all over me but I reckon I'll share my spur of the moment outing. My line hits the water at 11am today, only fished till about 1 cause I had to leave early cause my daughter got sick at school, but before that I managed to hook up 2 stripers both right at the shore both on a 3" storm wildeye shad swimbaits, both lost immediately. Made a new friend.. a little chipmunk I named him Theodore LOL. but back to my day lots of action on top today and of course i left the topwaters at home. I seen one quick boil jump off just passed the island, it lasted about a hole 30 seconds. and lots of fish jumping, slurping the top, some carp, some stripers, I seen a decent size bass real real shallow but wasn't interested in anything I put in front of it. seen a couple guys in a boat in a cove. a few other boats near the vegas wash area. nice day out there a bit breezy but manageable. be back out again soon [fishon]