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Does anyone know where I can buy 20 or so trout ranging in size from 8-12 inches to use for sturgeon bait? The fresher the better. Preferably somewhere close to SLC.
There is Sturgeon in Utah?[Wink][Wink]
Is it legal to use Trout for bait?
There are several private hatcheries along the Snake River that might sell you some. Dunno if they're legal to use though.
I don't think so, twice. (but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first, won't be the last)

We were questioning whether trout roe was a legal Utah bait. The regs pretty much state - game fish cannot be used as bait.
We questioned some of the DNR folks who were at the Rockport fest - and their response was basically - the inside, ok, the outside not so much.
Essentially the "meat" portion of the fish wasn't allowable, but eggs, guts - were ok.

I know where you can find a mess of carp minnows! I thought Sturgeon liked worms.

Ever caught a sturgeon on a fly?! I've seen vids of 'em caught from a float tube.
Watched a show of ocean Kayak fishing for Big Tuna! Kinda fish that can drag a Kayak out to sea!
They are definitely legal to use in Idaho as bait and we have purchased them from the hatcheries near twin falls but because of the time we are leaving and the small amount of time we have that isn't an option this trip.
Look for a fish farm or hatchery and ask for morts. Make sure you have a receipt that states that they are morts and how many. Otherwise they can ticket you for being over the limit on trout.

Large carp minnows etc should also work, if you can't get the morts.

Some people spend a bit of time on the edges of the river with a trout rod, fishing for crappie, perch, or trout to use. If you use trout that you catch, don't have over your limit.

I should add that is for sturgeon in Idaho. Not for fishing for anything in Utah.
Yes there are big sturgeon near some of the dams on the colorado.
Morts are good, but other baits work well too.

Frozen squid from about any oriental store. You can use all manner of scent enhancements on them too. Annise, cod liver oil, pickleing juice...

Also jarred "Sturgeon Candy" has produced for me.

"There are no sturgeon in the state of Utah. The closest are on the Snake River in Idaho. Also, you cannot use trout as bait except for eggs. Make sure to check the proclamation for regulations." -Utah DWR Coldwater Sportfish Coordinator.
Fresh salmon filet should work just as well as rainbow meat.
Meant no dis. Idaho's got some different regs.
So can you use any fish for bait? I know Utah allows Perch on some waters, while other panfish are restricted.

Can you use them live as well?

I know there's a hatchery up by Smithfield - on the way to Amalga. There's a hatchery along the Valley View hwy, but I don't know what it's status is.
oops i meant the snake river not colorado. I get ahead of myself.
East canyon an echo have a bunch of real fresh ones that I bet you could get cheap[sly].