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Full Version: Fish Lake 2/19/12
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Decided to head down to Fish Lake again today despite the weather forcast. It was COLD. Ice is still pretty good-about 16" on the north end. About 6" of snow on the ice. Very little slush. Was pretty slow for the macs today. Graphed a bunch....caught a few. Lots of bows and a single splake. Here's a few pics of the big one of the day..... I think its the brother of the one I caught in January :-). Yes, it went back down the hole to tangle another day.
dandy fish
That must be one heck of a hole Congrats!
Damn dude thats a pig....nice catch
wow great fish! I love lake trout fishing but never been to fish lake, only the gorgeSad. looks like a great time tho!!
Nice fish!!!!
Very nice fish Looks like an awesome time[fishin]
Heres me being jealous. Great job.
that the biggest pic of a mac ive seen out of anywhere this year. bet that was fun
So..... How much did it weigh? 20 lbs? Way nice fish.
Close. 21#. Caught him on my bigger rod this time. Not quite the same as landing him on an ice rod with 6# test, but still pretty fun :-)
I posted a link to the video clip I took right after I caught it. (The blood is from the mouth, not the gills). The link is