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So, the amazing tale of the UL laker got me thinking. What fish from what water surprised you most? For me, I caught a really good brown trout from Willard bay 2 years ago. Going back a bit further, as a youngster, while fishing for carp in a canal in the taylorsville area, I yanked monster trout. Don't know what kind it was. I was like 10 but remember dad telling me it was a trout.
a small mouth out of the weber way way above oakley. a pike in the south platte above antero... that last one actually caused quiet a bit of uproar among the trout fishermen
A Bronze Back out of the Snake in I.F. on a Chironomid.
Back in 1991 I caught a 10 pound lake trout out of lake Mary. Fished for 10 days strait caught him on a micro curly tale jig on a sunday morning before I left to hike back home. The look on the fishermans' eyes as I paraded around silver lake with the thing was priceless.
Caught a big octupus in a southern california harbor when I was in high school, we had four poles hooked into it was I got it to shore but ended up breaking all of our lines. It was pretty crazy for a bunch of teenagers!
I caught an arctic greyling on the Provo River above Woodland.
I Caught a 3 lb cutthroat on lower Hobble Creek down in town below Springville HS. Only cut I have ever caught that low on that stream.
I know it's happened to others, - was perch fishing at Newton, and as I reeled in a catch something large and dark came up from below. I stopped reeling - he ate it. Caught a 35 inch Musky on 6lb test with a dinky little Sears Pole and Kmart reel - my first.

Don't know that I ever hooked the fish, I think the son-of-a-gun was just too stubborn to let go of that perch. Hook was out by the time I got him in the net.

WHAT an adrenaline rush!

As Elmo might say "Let's do that AGAIN!"
One spring around 6-8 years ago I caught quite a few fat 16-17" cutthroats from the Jordan River in the 7800 South region. I've been there since and never found them again. They seamed to be doing real well for a bit, then just dissapeared.
About five years ago on the Ogden river in late Noveber I caught an 18 inch smallmouth. Same area I caught a mink on a rapala.
I used to fish that part of Hobble Creek a lot in high school because I lived in that neighborhood to the west of the pool. I never caught any cutts, but I was really surprised by how many sizable browns I found in there. I also caught a huge carp there on a Mepps under the bridge just before you cross into Brookside. I don't know how he got all the way up there.

One of my most surprising catches happened when I was visiting my dad in Connecticut. My friend told me he had found this little pond in the woods with monster bluegill. I went there with an ultralight expecting that, but when we got there, someone had dredged it out. This pond was maybe a half acre tops. Anyway, I didn't catch a single gill, but got into several decent smallmouth, largemouth, rainbows and browns.
I picked a hand full of rainbows in Utah Lake last summer.
Smallmouth at yuba.
4 lb large mouth bass through the ice at highland glen park
Cutthroat out of the Ogden river in the canyon below Pineview. Fished there for 15 years and never caught one until this year, good size too.
My biggest smallmouth to date also came out of the Ogden.
a small mouth at the berry and a white bass in deer creek and believe it or not a splake out of snake creek in between the hatchery and the provo river i must of got out of the hatchery
When I was in Texas, I was using grass shrimp to catch bluegills and mojarras. I hooked onto one and then something hooked onto to that. I lifted it up and it was a 3' long water moccasin.
a got 2 7 inch LMB out of little cottonwood creek about a half mile from the jordan a few years back. pretty crazy that i got em in 2 casts and then nothing the rest of they day.
i caught a sturgeon out of the colombia river. while fishing for small mouth, i had a birds nest and while i was fixing it my grub sunk and a sturgeon ate it. when i reeled it in i thought i had a snag. until it started swimming.
A seagull while casting plastics along the North dike at Willard Bay a few years back, what a hoot, boy was he pissed.[cool]
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