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Full Version: Snowmobile Laws?
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Is it true that a passenger is required to wear a helmet on a snowmobile at the berry? I am over 21. Don't want to mess up my hair.[crazy]
Never heard that before. But years back at the berry I was loading machines into an inclosed trailer and was one legged kneeling on the seat. I caught the spring on the top of the trailer. Without a helmet I'd be dead! Who do you need to impress with your hair while ice fishing. Wear a helmet, glad I did.
But how am I going to impress all those super hot babes at the berry?

Real official answers anybody? I am leaving in the morning.
I think any passenger under 18 needs a helmet, I'm quite sure!
[quote TyeDyeTwins]But how am I going to impress all those super hot babes at the berry? [/quote]

Not to mention all those crazy hot chicks that cruise this website.

Thanks for the answer Yortmac
Tye Dye
Aside from the law wearing a full face helmet on a snowmobile is a great way to keep your head warm. At near 0* and 50 mph your face takes a beating. It is infinetly more comfortable with a helmet on. Also 3 weeks ago I was flying out of Chicken East hit a bare spot, the sled jacknifed with my Eskimo ice house behind and flipped dragging me across the ice with it. I had a helmet on and walked away dazed with bruised ribs. It could have been worse.

2 things happen in this world, your either makin dust or your eatin it.
who cares about the law. be sensible and safe and wear a helmet. you wear one skiing, wear one on a machine. just take a comb and some gel for your hair and get all dolled up after your ride
To our moderators.

Can we have this type of posting removed when it gets like this.

Thank You
Missed Toadly's 'contribution' but I can guess.

I'm a fan of helmets - period.
I could post a picture to show you why, but it would get edited, even though it's real. And I was just on a Bicycle - took a face plant - literally.

I can now profess to having part of both of my ears on my nose. Looked like a Salvador Dahli or Picasso artwork for a while. My mum just had to tell herself "catchup" when she saw the photo.

SO - can I still post goofy kitty pictures before the lock?
Somethings just aren't worth the risk!

[inline 119.jpeg]

And - since this isn't a fishing report, or even directly fishing related - wouldn't it serve to be moved to the off-topic board? Just curious - don't care.
Who may operate snowmobiles on public lands?
Rules related to who may operate snowmobiles on public lands are designated to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all riders.
[ul][li] No one under eight years of age may operate a snowmobile on public roads, trails, or lands.[/li][li] Operators eight through 15 years of age must possess an OHV education certificate marked specifically for snowmobile use.[/li][li] Operators 16 years of age and older must possess a valid driver's license or an OHV education certificate for snowmobile use.[/li][li] Education certificates will be issued to anyone eight years old and older who completes the Division of Parks and Recreation OHV education course and passes a snowmobile knowledge and skills test. For training information contact the Utah Division of Parks and Recreation at 1-800-OHV-RIDE.[/li][/ul]
Properly fitting, safety-related helmets must be worn by snowmobile operators and passengers under 18 years of age. All operators and passengers of any age should wear protective head gear.
I asked my brother if he used a helmet when he road. His answer was, "Once....but I wear one every time I ride." I got a good laugh at that, but it raises the point; 90% of the time you are not going to need a helmet, but the one time you do you better be glad that you did, IF your not happy you were wearing one it would probably be a good idea to get a catscan. Being dead isnt worth being "cool" or "first". Be proud of helmet hair!! [:p]
Found a helmet you might like.
Helmets keep your face warmer and can look cool!
Plus keep you head from unnecessary injury.
Please be safe out there.
People who are worried about messing up their brain (head) wear helmets.

People who worry about their hair don't.

Natural selection is a beautiful thing.