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i so online that there is wipers in there. has anyone caught any out of there. i have a camper there and spend alot of time in the summer there and would love to fish it more if there in there.
I have fished Millsite a few times during the summer months, and I've yet to see a Wiper in there. I think someone was pulling your chain.

Lots of 'Bows, and i think some Cutts and Brookies...but no Wipers.
I don't think they stocked them in millsite, however , they have been stocking them in north huntington the past couple years. I don't know how big they are yet, They were stocked as fry, and some as fingerlings
Just splake, bows, cutts, and the occasional tiger in Millsite. Like Lonnie said, Huntington State Park is the closest spot with wipers.
The reason why I ask is because I read it on a webpage about Utah lakes and streams and it said they were there but I haven't seem them in there but someone had s pic from there so just thought I'd ask.thanks for all the respond.i'm planning on going there in about 3 Weeks to do some camping and fishing.hope to catch something out of there.