Are there any places at Deer Creek that are illegal to fish from the shore, other than private property? I've heard from some anglers that its illegal to fish by the dam but I have not seen any literature that address that? Nor have I seen any signs posted? I've tried to reach a couple conservation officers but they have not returned my call.
If anyone has talked to an officer or have read somewhere that states that it is illegal to fish by the dam, please let me know?
Any help would be appreciated!
behinde the buoy line headed towards the dam... so between the buoys and the dam... i think
[indent]i aways see people fishing on the railroad side of the lake aways up from the dam but, yes you must be past the bouys. Also Try bank fishing around the boat ramps always see people there and just down from the camp grounds.
Yes from the dam up to the buoy's is closed. The explanation that we got is that there is a chance for under tows when they are generating power and the decided to shut down that area.
We tried for years to get the buoys moved closer to the dam. The ranger at DC was helping us. The summer of 2001 he told us there was a chance we could get the buoys moved by the next spring. Then 911 happened and that was the end of that. Like it matters. If someone wants to blow the dam. Who's going to be there in time to stop them? On the anniversary of 911 there was a security truck parked on the dam all day. And one on Jordanelle dam.
Was that fake rock that they put up by rainbow bay a part of the homeland security stuff also?
Ya, whats that all about?
I don't know why but I am very curious as to why there is a fake rock at DC. How big is it?
It is gone now but it showed up at about the 9/11 and winter games time. I noticed it one day as there had never been anything like there before. It was about ten feet around and about eight feet tall.
As I looked closer you could see that it had what looked like windows in the west side of it looking towards the dam area. I never had the balls to go look into the windows. I didn't want some goverment official up knocking on my door to ask questions.
It seems like it went away right around the time that they got the bridge open to get the traffic off of the dam also. But that is just going off of my memory which isn't what it used to be.
It was set up on the hillside as you were coming out of rainbow bay on your way to Heber where it swings to the right and you start into the cut that is by the island. Now there is a little parking spot just below where it was that in ringed with rocks.