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Has anyone fished willard lately? I plan to go out on the shore at the mouth of the inlet or if the north marina is open
I bet the fishing is going to be good right now with the stable weather happening. Do you or anyone else know if the live lake view camera is broke at Willard? The only one that seems to be working is the one at Jordanelle. Thanks, Fishon
Fished Willard yesterday with no luck. I have been out there six times with very little luck. I talked to some people fishing from shore and no good reports. Seems to be alittle early still. I looked at the camera out at the north marina and it seems to be hanging by the wires.
I also went and fished Willard from shore about a week ago with no luck, and it was my first time to be skunked there. It seemed to be too early still. NOT A BITE!
Was out yesterday. 1 carp and one catfish. Had three walleye bites that I just couldn't get the hook in em. Pretty slow. Water temp is 44 and the walleye should be in full spawn mode.
[quote theboilermaker]Fished Willard yesterday with no luck. I have been out there six times with very little luck. I talked to some people fishing from shore and no good reports. Seems to be alittle early still. I looked at the camera out at the north marina and it seems to be hanging by the wires.[/quote]

They dont work too good when they hang from their wires. It will probably be out of service for awhile. I cant wait to get out there and find em. Maybe this weekend. Fishon
Agreed. Three trips since ice off and three skunks for me as well.
Was on Willard today with wiperhunter2. Didn't fish a lot or hard 'cuz we were working on getting his engine to run right & thanks to this clumsy old fart that dropped the float needle out of the upper carburetor, we spent most of our time finding that little sucker. Anyhoo, we'uns come home stinkin kinda skunky. I think I did get one bite in the south marina. Looks like they're gonna dredge the channel again. There's a big dredge on the ramp there.
Thanks for all your work on the motor Tom. I put up with it for a year longer than I should have. I owe you a fishing trip where some catching is involved.[Wink]
Where were you fishing at?
I did good last year off the north dike throwing a 3 inch curly tail. Watermelon colored with either silver or gold specs in it..1/4 oz. White head. The best fishing was when the wind was blowing hard and the waves were crashing in. [fishon] We will be out there tomorrow morning good luck
west side