03-24-2012, 09:00 AM
Well me and my friend bad luck decided to hit the water for a couple hours yesterday. Put in at WT ramp about 4:45 and ran to a few sloughs around HB state park to see if the fishies have moved shallow, they are starting but still need another week or two of warm weather to really make them move in. I mainly fished in 3 to 8 feet of water, all fish were caught with shakey heads, rattle trap and the infamous TN rig, the biggest came on a shakey head which would have went just under 3lbs. I caught 8 fish total, 5 of which were keepers, barely! emoScratch On a side note my bad luck is still in full force, went to start the big motor and it would start and shut right back off, finally got it started and slammed her in gear and hauled but back to the ramp, it was skipping and cutting out the whole way so I guess at lunch today she is headed to Boats and Motors of Dalton for a check up. emoBang Hey, at least I caught a few fish which is more than I can say for the last few trips.