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Full Version: 23 Whities and 1 Toothy Fish 3-24-12
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Got 1manwolfpack out for a few hours this morning. He caught an 8 lb baby a couple of weeks ago and hasn't been out of the house much since then. Got to the bubble-up at about 7:45 as 1mwp slept in. Something about being up at 2am and a bottle, I don't know it's his story[:p].

First cast white bass on. It was a pretty good day for me as I managed 20 of the 23 wht bass but 1mwp caught his first ever Walleye. It was a healthy 17" male. I was more excited than he was as Utah lake is the toughest place for me to catch those things.

Good day for a few hour trip and I was shocked we were the only boat out there. I figured it would have been bumper to bumper today. Water temp just shy of 51 degrees and a single jig rig outfished a double rig by far. They liked a retrieve that kept it just off the bottom whereas last Thursday they liked it dragged along the bottom. Don't pull on the first or second bump either, wait for the third or profanity will surely be let loose. Just ask 1mwp[Smile].
Did you happen to measure any of the white bass you caught? One thing I've noticed about even the 10-11 inch white bass that I have caught recently is that the body condition of the fish is much improved over the past couple years. By that I mean they actually have more meat on them.

I remember a while back fishing with a buddy at the Knolls. We caught plenty of white bass but as we were dividing up the catch between us, he said, "Man Wag, these fish are all tail." He was right. Some were longer than the average that year but skinny. I'm finding even the 10-11 inchers are healthier (and no it wasn't the fact that they were females full of eggs, these were male) and still Angry.

Thanks for the report and pics.
Thanks for the report. Looks like some walleye action may be starting.
I have noticed that the fish are quite a bit healthier this year. Good meaty fillets on most of the whities we caught.

Also, forgot to mention that sometime since last week they put the buoys up marking the pipe at the bubble-up. If you don't have sonar the pipe is about 5-10 south of them.
That bottle of formula at 2 a.m. put me in some deep sleep when I got back to bed. Sorry again for being late.

Even though I got my trashed kicked by you and the white bass I couldn't hook the Walleye made it well worth it for me. Thanks again for getting me out!
Too cool Red Leaker. Thanks for mentioning the bouys. Man that will make life easier in a motorless toon for sure! Great to see Walleyes being caught.
No problem, you do know that the formula is for the baby though right? Glad you had fun got a break and caught a walleye. I'm used to kicking your trash fishing though. Now I've done gods are not going to like me on our next trip.