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Full Version: Yuba skunk
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well dad and I went to yuba and caught the giant skunk. still have no idea how to catch the pike but had a good time on the water with him though maybe next time.
havent been to yuba in forever, i'll have to give it a try this year
Did you try for walleye? Been a few years but we used to hammer em there, as well as giant perch.
lol i tried for what ever would bite my hook but apparently all i know how to catch are rainbow and cutthrought trout lol have never caught any thing but not that i have'nt tried lol
Dont feel bad its still early for yuba and many have got skunked there .What part of the lake did you fish and what did you use?
well we tried the whole lake every brushy shallow shore line we could find and perch crank baits and carp baits. and even dead minnows lol just not my turn to catch them yet. but i will eventually.