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Has anyone ever floated the Jordan in a pontoon boat? I'm thinking of putting in around the pumphouse and wondering if it would be worth while to fish and float, and how far you could go?


I wanted to try it this year but haven't, you could probably float down to willow park and I bet you could do alright for cats in a couple weeks. Let me no if you do it.
There are low bridges so make sure you have clearance and be careful of junk and concrete along the way.
That could be fun and I have thought about it myself. There is even a dock close by. I just can't imagine putting my tube in there with my waders...Yuk, maybe a small Kayak though. I have even thought running a section just with sonar tgo get an idea of what the bottom looks like.
Details if you do it.
A few years ago a buddy and I launched a canoe at the pumphouse at 6:00 a.m. and by nightfall we had made it to the 12300 south bridge. Goal was to make it to the Great Salt Lake... not quite! Came up well short, but had a blast. We took our time exploring and fishing. Caught mostly mud cats. We did find a floating channel cat near the Thanksgiving Point Golf Course that was over 20 lbs. It hadn't been dead very long and we held it up cheering as golfers went by. I'll never forget the look on their faces! One guy looked at his golf partner and said... I told you there were fish that size in there. Too funny!

There are quite a few places where you have to portage your canoe due to shallow conditions. You also have to portage a good ways to get around the Jordan Narrows Pumphouse. The river moves pretty fast through the narrows in some areas. We dumped the canoe once and I ended up eating a face full of spiny Russian Olives... not fun. We always said we would finish the last stretch, but never did.

I say it's definitely worth doing, just be careful, there are all sorts of road blocks that can come up quick and you have to be ready to pull out at anytime or you could end up in a bad situation. Good luck if you do it. Definitely a trip I will never forget.
My neighbor growing up used to put a little 12' rowboat with a motor in somewhere up that way. He would just use it to get to some spots that were pretty inaccesible and caught decent cats. I thought they were huge at the time but the biggest was probably only like 12-15 lbs.. I always thought it was cool that he did that and wanted to try it but never did. I think I would want to know the layout of the river from google earth or looking at it in person. Like everyone said let us know how it goes, even in pm...
I have navigated the jordon from just before the thanksgiving golf course (the old Metal Bridge) up to the lehi crossings bridge just above willow park and it is pretty flat and no obstructions to deal with. I was under mud motor power and it was wintertime flows which is very low and had to flow tight channel areas to get up there,once the pumps are on and the river is high I see no problem navigating it with any kind of outboard. there are many deep holes and inside corners to fish for big catfish,google Map the area to find the spots you want to fish, Or even better if you have an andriode phone you can use it along with google maps to show your exact location while your floating down.I have done this duck hunting and it works nicely.

I will probably going up that way to test the motor mods I did in a week or so.since none of the WMA's are open any longer.[:/]

If you have not tried it before then I will take some video to show everyone what its like.

I look forward to your video, fnf.
You might need to contact Utah State Parks and ask about the boating regulations for the Jordan River. I think it states that there are no motors allowed on the Jordan in Salt Lake County. In Utah County, there may be a motor size limit.
Should you make it down to 2100S be sure to get ready to get out and then put back in...there is a sorta dam system there and you could end up going over a 2-6 foot waterfall depending on flows and how high the flood gates are. Sounds like an adventure..please post up when you do go for it.
Anything south of the narrows where the diversion dam is,there are no restrictions that I know of. And the jordon is not part of a state park down it that area. Like any public water source if I can navigate it I can motor in it.
If your talking about the jordon from 2100S. to north temple you are correct no motorized vehicals allowed
I did the same thing as Tracker Guy back in the 90s before Thanksgiving Point was completed. Buddy and I took a canoe from the pumphouse at Utah Lake down to 146th South in Draper. Someone told my buddy there was good duck hunting down there. I really wish we had a site like this where we could get the real scoop before we set out on a cold January day.

There are 2 irrigation dams you have to portage around. Word of advice, when you portage by walking along the railroad tracks with a canoe over your heads, you can neither see nor hear the train coming around the corner at 60 mph til its right on top of you! That was a close one.

The water is slow and calm due to the dams and you should find some nice holes to fish. Have fun!
I watched two experienced kayakers get pulled out of the Jordan River at Winchester in T-Ville last year. They both died. Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT try to float past the Winchester section. (by Murray Parkway Golf Course) There is a small drop off, but it causes a major eddy and once you're in, you're toast. Get out, carry your tube or toon through the park a tenth of a mile or so, and you're set.

That was one of those things that you see that you really wish you could un-see. Tragic. I'd hate to read about it again.
This is very true! There are some gnarly obstacles through the Salt Lake Valley! Don't take any chances, just portage around everything and anything. You think the Jordan River is just a big lazy river, but I can assure you there are some strong currents in certain sections and quite a few drop offs. Keep your eyes in front of you to see everything that's coming ahead.