03-26-2012, 09:00 AM
My clients didn&#39;t like the weather report and bailed on me Saturday, so me and Ed McCoy (enmreal) made a jaunt to the Riverpark for the afternoon of &quot;unsettled&quot; weather. We got to test our rainsuits. emoRain <br /><br />First fish we believe was a drum, but aren&#39;t really sure. All I know is I got to watch Ed fight it for about 15 minutes on #4 test line before it broke him off. emoBawl But it was fun while it lasted.<br /><br />It was slow but we managed another drum or two, a channel cat and I hooked what I know was a trophy smallmouth. But we parted ways as he made his very first screaming run... it&#39;s what I get for trying to get by with old line which I knew was marginal. emoBang <br /><br />Then we checked some slack water for crappie and found a BUNCH. Just like on the lake however, you have to cull through a boat load of short fish to find keepers. We found four of those in about an hour... along with assorted bluegill, rock bass, stripe, etc.<br /><br />Lastly we went to check on stripers... we should have done that earlier. emoDoh <br /><br />They were going crazy just as we arrived... I got so excited I couldn&#39;t cast and immediately backlashed. emoBadLanguage Finally got that undone (after a bunch of monster fish had stopped boiling) and coaxed a twenty-pounder into crushing my Redfin... my first topwater striper in a long while. It&#39;s a good thing I don&#39;t get the chance to do that too much... my emoHeart couldn&#39;t handle it. Not long after that the birds departed, along with the fish. There one minute... gone the next. Go figure. emoScratch But it was a fun afternoon with enmreal, which means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day!<br />