Fishing Forum

Full Version: EricM, Chick, 1 blue cat again, 3-30-12
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I almost cancelled my plans today when I saw that the water flow had dropped significantly this week, but I still love to get out, fish or no fish. Today was once again almost a no fish day.<br /><br />I fished for about two hours, catching a single small blue catfish suspended at 35 feet in 55 feet of water. The pine pollen was THICK in the gentle whirpool at the nuke discharge, but none of the various fish species were. I had one hard thump, which I believe was a paddlefish bumping into my line. Other than that, it is a good thing that I enjoy my company (and conversation, although I often find myself arguing with an idiot - and losing). I watched the rain approach, and decided that today's fishing wasn't worth getting wet, so I loaded up, and just as I slammed the truck door the first raindrops hit the windshield. Now THAT'S good timing!<br /><br />Of course, like everyone else, I stopped on the way home and picked up a few lottery tickets. I'll let you know how that turns out..................<br />