04-05-2012, 09:00 AM
Lily stayed at home today while I &quot;Really&quot; tried to catch some crappie. She was less than patient Monday (4/2) good thing I had her clipped in, she wanted to play with some canadian geese awful bad. When she realized she wasn&#39;t going to get to go swimming with them, it was a down hill after that. She had one of her famous meltdowns and after only catching 2 fish, I was right there with her, so we headed back home to do some yard work.<br />Today was much better for us both! emoAnglerI caught a few small ones on one dock 6-8 fow with a 32 jig in electric chicken while 3 boats trolled all around me not catching anything. I left shortly after I realized I wanted to catch a few worthy of a post. Went to my favorite blow down and changed colors to BG new screamer on a weedless jig I got a huge slam, big ole mean Black Crappie with an attitude. He was not happy with me snatching him away from his girl friends. Next was another male, less of an attitude, but a keeper. I was feeling alot more confident, until I started letting my weedless jig go to deep. I lost about 5 jigs here and decided to move on. This dock looked good, I could see some storm brush around it and thought I would see if a 32 jig would work here in the brush before I tided another weedless jig on....Yes, another keeper using my favorite electric chicken slab slayer! No fish on the dock, but I will remember where that brush pile is next week! I ended the morning with 12 fish, 5 keepers, all released.<br />Best part of my day, I got to finally meet a TOP DOG ...... MADDOG! He is a Handsome Pup too! Next time I promise to have Ms. Lily with me MadDog, and I will listen out for the Owl Hoot! emoLaugh emoLaugh