Fishing Forum

Full Version: video of fishing at millrace and willow pond ^_^
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So yesterday i went to millrace and willow pond for the whole day. I trully dont know how may fishes i caught because i forgot to take some pics of my friends trout or the blue gills i caught but had an amazing time today when other people were alittle slow but we were like slaughtering the place. Trout fishing was great in the morning but like after 1-2pm trout fishing just died i no bites for a long time so i went hunting for blue gills and caught a quite a few of nice sizes. Please go to my youtube channel and watch the video of the amazing day if u would like to plus i have more fishing videos on that channel as well XD. if the link doesnt work just type "RandomVideosOnTheWay" in the search bar and u will find me . [Image: fish-on.gif]

Edit: new policy, links to youtube are not allowed.
good video kid. but did you happen to see this ?

the angler owns this site.Smile
never seen that link about youtube. what wrong with links to the place ???
wow thats not cool whats wrong with youtube links????
theres nothing wrong with them in my opinion it show how much fun fisher man or woman have while fishing thats all. [fishon]
If you read the link he supplied you can post video and actually it's very simple but users won't have to go to youtube to view them and then come back to comment. The video will simply be in your post.
thats so [#000080]deleted[/#000080]
I couldn't agree more!!!!! I argued and argued when this came up and brought up how important it was for as a company to help people grow their YouTube Channels so they could "get their views up", create adsense ad revenue, and start thier broadcasting careers but the jerks here at just don't get it! If it helps I will drop by your Chanel from time to time!!!
ya i know man. thanks ^_^/ ya i always put fishing videos up when i get home on my trips. ^_^. hope they change it because it pathetic.