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Full Version: EC 4-5-12
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Fished EC with utcatman last night, with the storm coming in figured things would be slow, well i was right!!

On a good note hooked into a purrrty decent brown (24-25") on my 2nd cast only to have him come off, oh well it happens. had a few hits and follows but took another hr to put a football looking bow in the boat!

Ended up with a total of 3 fish boated and another 3 that were longlined released!

2 bows and 1 21" tiger
water temp 41.4
water clarity bout 5 ft down in some areas
lake is rising

marked most fish in 20+ fow caught fish and had all action withinn 10ft of shore

sorry no pics
Thanks for posting your report Bry. I've been thinking about going up there for the last two days but just haven't done it. Good to hear there are a few more decent browns in there after that guy pulled a 10 lber out of there is winter. Did you guys try any trolling?
ya it was fun! I was excited to see some big fish in there. I was a doubter, i gotta fish that lake more since its closer than da'Nelle. We didnt troll yesterday, we straight up pounded a lot of shoreline! fun trip considering windy conditions