04-08-2012, 09:00 AM
Nice cool morning with a full moon, emoQuestion what would be any better? We started on rip rap for our 2 first keepers. jig &amp; saladmander emoThumbsup. Made a short move, 2 more quick ones to start culling on crankbait. Made a turn around and nearing the end, WIZZARD calls for help, its a BIGGUN. How many times he ask to be receptive to be known as his PB BASS emoWorthy . Was fun day, we had couple others of no help. Good turnout, we managed a 2nd place finish...got beat out by next to last bag having most weight &amp; big fish... emoDoh Good job, lots of fish brought in and did not see any floaters as I was leaving........ emoGeezer emoUSA <br /><br /><br />PS The WIZZARD will post picture of his PB.......