04-10-2012, 09:00 AM
well our morning started out by going down river, while on our way to our first stop i noticed a slough i have taken fish out of before was boatless emoScratch so we decided to hit it then move on. started throwing cranks spinners traps with no takers emoBawl by this time i'm thinking o it's going to be one of those days. so we decided to cover the area again with plastics, and that's where everything changed. lipripper pitches a chigger craw in about 2 ft water and hooks up and all i can hear is it's a good one! so do my great netting skills and we have the big girl in the well emoTongue now we are fired up and ready for more about 30 min later i catch our 2nd keeper 3.8 lb . stayed in this area for 3.5 hrs. made a run to second spot and caught our 3rd keeper. now we need to start upgrading, move again to no luck emoDoh ran to our final stop and we proceded to up grade by up and up. emoDance we we were feeling good about getting into a payout but didn't think we would win and get big fish. had fun and great talking to all and a emoApplause to the committee for another great run tournament. all our fish were caught in 2-7ft water, and water temp was 68-72.