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Given the weather forecast a personal day was in order so I blew off work, made a quick post on FB and to my surprise got a call right back from an old friend that I hadn't seen in many years who had just gotten into town.

I picked him up and we headed out. Went to the SC side and drove around looking for standing room to fish. Seriously, there were a LOT of people up there for a Tuesday. I wouldn't go near that place on a Saturday.

Anyway, we drove over the dam and found a spot. Fished there for around an hour with no luck. Packed up and drove back around to the boat launch area, parked and walked maybe 3/4 of a mile down the shore. Fished there the rest of the day. I ended up catching two cuts 20 and 21". My buddy caught 2 nice cuts and a rainbow.

Caught mine on black Mt. Nebo Maribou Jigs. My buddy caught his on powerbait. I saw one guy catch a fish on a fly rod.

It was WINDY. The ice is moving like crazy and won't be around much longer.
Your story about the berry ice off sounds too familiar....Last year I went a couple of times for the ice off fishing and pretty did the same as you catching fish wise. Kinda dissapointing...I think I shoulda gone for a more "selclueded" spot where the ice is only 10 feet off from shore. Lost one of the biggest fish of my life during ice out there once....that is what kept me coming back for more last year. I learned an important lesson...if you feel a snag way out...set the hook and is likely a big fish. I tugged and tugged and tugged...only to see my spinner go flying and a GIANT white belly roll on the surface[mad].

Now I know better!
I was there with you on the SC side for the combat fishing. We were not by the dam, but were on the dam road from the highway. It was packed. Monday was like that too. Someone must have put it on channel 2 or something.....[Wink] Oh well. It was fun to get out!