04-13-2012, 09:00 AM
<br /> I set off to the riverpark to load the boat with spots before the cold front set in. Got to the ramp and voila...my cranking battery would not turn over. I even tried jumping from the TM batteries with no luck. After some cussing and screamng I disbanded the idea of fishing from the boat and spent an hour on the bank throwing a crankbait and spinnerbait. Caught six spotted bass in that time, with the largest maybe reaching 2 pounds. <br /> Headed home and put manual charger on cranking battery to find out it had a shorted cell. Luckily, I just bought the battery in late August and returned it to Academy, who promptly replaced it. I was really ticked that I missed what I thought would have been a prime time to put 50-60 bass in the boat in a short evening. Oh well...better luck next time.