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Full Version: JSV, Chick, Crappie, SM and a rainbow, late (4-9-12), Dad
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<br /> Dad and I started out with Crappie. I was pretty confident we could go shoot docks and catch a bunch of fish but I wanted to once again target the post spawners. I've been out a few times lately just riding and looking with the HB 998 and exploring. It is unbelieveable how far technology has come and I am certain, I don't have it set up near as it should be. I had found some brush off a point in a good transition place for post spawners. Dad and I caught several fish in 10 to 12 ft of water there. These fish were holding tight to cover but when presented proberly, you were sure to get a thump. Higher in the water column at a 5 count were much shorter fish but very aggressive. We fished for a couple hours and mangaged several keepers and as many throw backs. The color didn't really appear to matter. I changed colors often but always went back to the Hologram Ghost with tail light on 1/32nd. As the sun got up we decided to go deeper. Dad loves to catch Small Mouth on light tackle and freelineing a shiner. We went to some rocky bank points and a bluff. I was throwing a shaky head and he was working the shinner. He managed a couple keeper green fish and a short small mouth. The SM put on a show for us and made my Dad's day on 4lb line. While fishing the bluff, I couldn't resist the urge to shoot my BG to the wall and see if any Crappie were present. I love deep fishing and have the patience of Job to dead stick a BG and let it fall to the strike zone and wait for a twitch of the line. On one particular cast, I was about to lift and retrieve my BG from the depths when a solid thud takes place and I set the hook. As I set the hook I was pretty certain it was a good fish. He fought for a few seconds and I was uncertain what species this could be. Pretty certain it wasn't a drum or cat (too fast) and didn't really feel like a bass. At that moment it came up from the depths like a rocket and it was all I could do to keep up with it on it's assent. The fish exploded into the air and tossed and turned. I still didn't have a clue. It appeared to be only a 12 to 13 inch but had an attitude of a 4 lb Small Mouth! After another acrobatic show, we landed the fish and it was a Rainbow Trout. I had never caught a trout on the Chick and really enjoyed the battle. It was about 12 to 13 inches long yet was not near as colorful as the Trout on the Hiwassee or the one CUONTHELAKE and WTK caught below the dam. Dad and I was having a good day and as always enjoying God's gift together. We were about to head home but I wanted to make one more stop for Dad on a deep rocky point where I have caught good LM and SM in the past. He was down to just a couple Shinners. We made our stop and I patiently worked my BG while Dad let the shinner go to work for him. He hooks a decent spot which stretched his line and I caught a spot and a short Crappie. Then it happened! Dad tosses the lively Shinner out and mentioned " this one is lively" and it heads for the depths. I watch Dad as he notices his line twitch and he sets the hook! Good fish! This fish stayed deep for a min or two and ran Dad around the boat. I wasn't too concerned since I figured it was a drum or cat. Next thing I know it comes up and rolls on top of the water and heads back down. The sun was hitting us in the face and neither of us got a good look as to the species. We both thought it was a LM. In away we were a little disappointed because we were both hoping it was a Brown! I get the net ready as Dad is locked in on the battle with 4lb test line and a good fish. The fish came back up and exploded from the depths! This time as it danced, it was clear this fish was bigger than we first thought and it was not green! It was Brown and just what Dad was looking for! I wasn't nervious until now! I thought it was Green and just 2 or 3 lb fish but on the second pass we both realized it was a hoss. I sure didn't want to make a mistake on the netting (my netting skills haven't been used in some time). The battle continues for what seemed like 10 min, the beast was very determined and after encounters with the boat motor and trolling motor, I made a sweeping pass at this Small Mouth only to get out manuvered by the quickness of this fish. The second pass landed him in the net and into my Dad's hands!!! We looked at each other and <br /> Smiled, gave a big hug and didn't make another cast! What a day and memory. We put her in the livewell and was going to take her back to Wolf Tever to get an official weight from some friends we knew who were Crappie fishing in WT. However after giving them a call and they had already taken out. We measured her and sent her back to the depths from where she came! A picture and memory is good enough! Sorry for being long winded but it was a great day the Lord allowed me to spend with my Dad! I am fortuniate to get to do this often but it never gets old! I will post pictures of the SM and Trout if I can get them to upload from my cell phone. The SM was 21 and 7/8 inches long with a Girth of 17 and a 1/4.