Fishing Forum

Full Version: Labman, Nick, LM, Whites,, 4/15/2012, Solo
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Hit the Riverpark early this morning hoping to find some stripers that wanted a photo op. Started by catching a couple nice LM on a swim fluke, one at 4# and one at 4.5#. This was before sunrise and I couldnt get the self-timer to work in the dark. emoBang <br /><br />Around daylight the whites started to get active just below the boils from the generator. Running around 9000cfs on 1 generator. Caught about 10 really nice large whites on swim flukes over the next couple of hours. Had a couple of smaller whites too. <br /><br />Around 9:30 had a hard hit and an immediate run downstream. Probably a striper. I was using a med spinning rod with 10# line so needed to follow the fish as it pulled drag. I had 2 heavy striper rods in the boat, but was using the spinning rod on the whites. Went downstream with the trolling motor about 3/4 of the way to the railroad bridge when the fish turned and headed back upstream right into the strongest flow. Had to start the big motor to keep up. I could feel the line rubbing a lot of rocks and afer about 10 minutes the line just parted. The last 20 feet or so that I reeled in was all fuzzy and abraided which really weakens the line. So just another fish story about the one that got away.Pulled the boat out about 10:00 and headed home.<br /><br />Regards, Labman