04-17-2012, 09:00 AM
Jim Wallace is an old college friend from near Nashville. Like so many folks do these days, we crossed paths after 35 years on Facebook. Jim wanted to come down, catch some catfish and hash over college days (some of which might best be forgotten). He brought his portable CD player complete with the &quot;Best of the &#39;70&#39;s&quot; music.<br /><br />Apparently catfish are not fans of 70&#39;s music because we had to work really hard to stick a few cats. They just really did not want to play very much on Sunday.<br /><br />But as usually the case, Jim still managed to reel in the biggest fish of his life. Even on a slow day, it&#39;s nice when somebody achieves a &quot;PB&quot; (Personal Best).<br /><br />Just for your viewing pleasure, I&#39;ve also included a old college picture Jim brought me.<br /><br />We enjoyed some good music and relived some good times. Now, hopefully, I can forget them again... which means life is good and gettin&#39; better everyday.<br />