A blog just posted up the the Salt Lake Tribune yesterday. [url "http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/blogsfishing/53933503-83/carp-record-archery-pound.html.csp"]http://www.sltrib.com/...chery-pound.html.csp[/url]
Awesome fish there! Having a record breaking fish is something all us fishermen and women dream about. Congrats!
AWESOME!!!! You are my hero.
That may be a bit extreme lol. Next step is catching one on the fly [fishin]
Let's do it! If they are all that size, better bring an 8 wt or better.[laugh]
Good for you. One record Johnson doesn't own anymore. See ya Ray!
Awesome fish! My biggest carp with a bow is only 8 lbs., can't imagine a 30 pounder.
What's the background on Ray Johnson, the article made it sound as if he is not well liked in the Utah fishing community?
Oh no, Ray Johnson is a highly respected gentleman in the fishing community...........NOT!!!![mad]
Congratulations..Looking forward to seeing (your) Name every year.
congrats man!! thats awesome!
Nice work man!
[quote Flyfishn247]What's the background on Ray Johnson, the article made it sound as if he is not well liked in the Utah fishing community?[/quote]
I have the same question. I have no idea who Ray Johnson is, but the article seems to hint that getting him off the record books was a good thing.
Did they X-Ray it for lead?!?!?

Very cool! One less carp and your name in the record books to boot!
[quote BigEZ][quote Flyfishn247]What's the background on Ray Johnson, the article made it sound as if he is not well liked in the Utah fishing community?[/quote]
I have the same question. I have no idea who Ray Johnson is, but the article seems to hint that getting him off the record books was a good thing.[/quote]
I have the same question on what they have against Ray J. Maybe jealous he catches big fish?? Hey Tube Dude, what is the history of Ray where they would say that? Fishon
I was interested also, and there is a lot of info available on the web, most of it is not complimentary. I have never met the guy, so I won't weigh in, but if your curious there is a People article online and several posts on here and other forums. Just search for Ray Johnson Flaming Gorge. He was definitely dedicated to fishing.
Ok thanks, I will look him up. Hey Spoondog, I forgot to say congrats on your record. Now you will have to work on another species and get in there twice. Fishon
Thanks for the link. Interesting article on his lifestyle. However I'd cut the guy some slack. He didn't have the political connections to avoid Vietnam like many of our fortunate sons. Plus he did his time unlike others that lied and ended up in high office while criticizing other's service. Here's an interesting piece that pulls together what is known of another soldier going awol with impunity :
Oh and congrats on the record
Darn it flygoddess, it was fun being your hero for a time, however short! [:p] Way to spread the love though.
Congrats on that mighty carpunda man, that's a heck of a speciman!