04-20-2012, 09:00 AM
Got out this afternoon for a little while, Derek was going to try and join me but he never made it.
I had another blast of a day. The bass are all over. Some are deep, I cannot tell if they never made it shallow yet or are already back out. emoScratch I lost count on the number of bass that came in my boat. I am going to guess about 30 to 35. I also boated a nice drum if there is such a thing. I thought it was a big bass until it started rolling. emoAngry I wrote down the weights of the bass keeping track of my best five, today they were 3/3, 3/4, 3/6, 3/8 and 4/2. Not bad for a short afternoon outing. emoThumbsup If my math is correct that is 17 pound and 7 ozes. emoTongue I lost two others I saw that I think would have helped. Neither were huge but looked better then 3/3. They are still spawning and I had four times where they took half my bait when I set the hook. emoDoh A couple other times where they picked my pocket. I caught bass from 2 foot to 10 foot but most were shallow. I saw some bass today guarding beds also. I love this time of year. emoDance I think some of the bass today were just moving the bait out of the bed and not really eating it.<br /><br />This CBA should have some really nice weights show up for this weigh in. No telling what it will take. Hope to see you there, if you are not going to fish it but have no plans come out to Chester Frost at 4 o&#39;clock Saturday afternoon for the weigh in to see some good bass. emoApplause Jmax