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Full Version: Rockport or Deer Creek?
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Will be doing some fishing on Sunday morning. heard from a friend that Rockport is now ice free.

Now to decide weather or not to go to Rockport, or to Deer Creek for some slimers.

Suggestions? Comments?
Deer Creek has been good for browns and rainbows. Just need a couple of good days to stabilize. Sunday should be good, but im going to try Strawberry.

rockport is fishing good now for trout aswell as dc. im heading to rockport sunday to go for some perch in the flats, got a bunch last year at this time. ill be in a red tacoma near the inlet if you see me feel free to say hi.
I would love to scratch perch off my bucket list. What do you use for them?
a good way ive got em when they hit the shallows is a water bubble with about thrree feet of leader and to snell hooks tied below the bubble, i just tip em with a worm and toss it into the flats and reel it in slow, if fishing is good doubles are not uncommon. but if there picky i use any small tube jig or grubby when there 10 feet or more deep. and the water temp is prime for them to start there spawn.