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I have good information that DWR has successfully raised and planted their fisrt crop of Tiger Muskies. It's a real step forward in the warm-warter fishery program. It's a small step forward, but they have been successful. I look forward to the time when we are planting both slimers and warm water fish.
Great News! Do you know where they were planted and what sizes? (pssst - don't tell Chuck!)
Hmmmm from my DWR intel they indicated the TM at Lee Kay pond and magic elixir mixture would begin hatching over this past Easter weekend...I don't believe they have yet stocked these fish as again indicated to me they try to stock them when they are 5" and larger. There is no way a TM would grow 5" in a few weeks...We have yet to hear of any TMs being stocked into anybody of water. Now if the TMs at LK ponds do well I'd anticipate stocking say around July-Aug time frame...but who knows maybe they have started stocking...but personally I don't believe they have stocked them per my intel with the DWR just before Easter as these fry would not be large enough yet to stock.
I would think it might depend on how many eggs they get, and how many hatch. They plant Wiper as sac fry and also raise them to fingerling size. If they had more sac fry than they could possibly raise to the 5 inch size and they are faced with the choice of either disposing of the excess, or planting them, I would hope that they plant some as sac fry. How many would survive? Who knows. But it's better than disposing of them. Just thinking.
This is a major accomplishment for Drew and his Crew. Congrats to all of them. It has been a real process. Now we have to get the wiper thing going !! Hopefully there won't be any major screwups like happened last year. Go Drew !!!