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Full Version: UL: a white bass and some carp
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Title says it all. It was a great day on UL, trolled for a bit and picked up a bass, then headed for the carp. Got 4 carp today, not a bad start to the season. I am still getting my bow fishing set up ready, but we made due with standard old equipment today. Great day on the water.
that looks great!! im going to get a bow set up too. Good job on em.
I wondered if you'd gone out lately. [Smile] Sounds like a bit more patience is needed for the bass.

I just picked up a couple cheap fiberglass bows and plan to give it a try this year. I still need to get some arrows and such. I wondered if carp would just swim away with your arrow if it wasn't tied to a string. [laugh]
I just got a bowfishing outfit set up...line and all, but when we went this past weekend we used just plain old arrows, they float and the carp do swim for a bit, but they eventually surfaced or we could see the vanes swimming around and we got all arrows back. We did have to be patient and wait for about 5 mins tho. With the fishing setup we can reel them in right away and have no fear of loosing the arrows.
Well... fetching arrows explains why you were so far from shore! [laugh] I thought it would be funny to tie some floatation device tied to the end of the string then go chase it down, like in Jaws. That is, after I become a registered member of PETA. [:p]

So what is the longest shot you had to make, and were most carp close to shore?