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Had just a few hours to burn so I headed to highland to try my luck at a few LMB. No love from the bass but I caught 30 or so planter bows. Nearly all were caught on either a 4 inch rapala rainbow color or 3/4 oz spoons. Seemed too big to me for the planters. Anyone have a say on larger lures ? You always here big lures big fish, but a 13 inch planter bow hardly qualifies !
there no huge bows. i went there on the weekend all i caught were mostly 13 in and a few below. Its not always true about bigger the lure the bigger fish because i use a rapala shade rap and i catch 6-8 in bluegills when the bait is half the size of the fish XD at kens lake oh the good time . realing oh i got a blue gill. hmmmm interesting this bait is bigger than the blue gill im sure the bluegills cant eat anything that big XD.
I was at Highland Glen abut 10 days ago when the stocking truck showed up. Most of the fish they put in were much bigger than the normally stocked nine-inch trout.
ya i know. ive caught mostly 12-13 inches and just like 1-3 small guys. ya i even have a video of me fishing last week down there its under "randomvideosontheway" and many other fishing places videos that i made Smile