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Full Version: Carp Fishing around Soda Springs
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I had a little time in between a ball game in Pocatello and a meeting in Rexburg so I went with a friend to his ranch south of Soda Springs. We only had a couple hours to get into the carp. We spent most of the time looking for them. The cold weather had them down. Then right before we left they came up in the flats and I landed two of them before I had to jump in the truck and head back to Rexburg.

It was a quick trip, but hooking up with the carp is always awesome.

Fun stuff! Were you on the river or on Alexander Res or even Oneida? The carp have started to get active on the river, but it changes as the temps drop again.
We were on the river. It was later in the afternoon when they moved into the shallows.

Thanks. It's good that you got a little fishing time squeezed in! The carp on the river are powerhouses!
Thanks for the report! Thinking about getting out the fly rod and trying it!
I've been hooking up with quite a few on the river as well. Friday night about half an hour before dusk the monsters came out. Best hour of fishing I've had all year.
I'm sure it will get better over the next week. I will be back down there next week for another ball game, so I may make it back out again for a short trip.

I will show you my Carp River if you show me yours[Wink]
I swear, I say one in there yesterday four feet long....he's mine!
[Image: 100_0027.jpg]
I would love to trade information, but I'm afraid you have the better place right now. The water was still a little cold where I was. I would say most of the carp that I saw were 20-28." Do the bigger ones spawn first or last?

Now it is sounding like I will be bass fishing next week. I will be in a different area with huge carp around so my flyrod will be ready.

I will show mine from today.

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I cheated and used a bow, but man is it fun. Got 41 for the days total. They are out if you know where to go.
That is a nice one. I never thought I would feel bad seeing carp with holes in them, but since I started flyfishing for them I see them in a totally new light.

Me to Wind. I had one on that came straight up out of the water and did a nice little tail dance for me. AWESOME!
Come on down.
I love catching them, they are great fighters and amazingly smart buggers, but I have no problem dispatching them. It takes me about 2 seconds to remember what damage they do to the stream or lake, then another 2 seconds to remember how prolific they are. Then I think .... is this the only species of fish I want to catch! No!

Admittedly the few I have caught are not going to turn the tide of the population....[Tongue] But for the most part they don't belong in our waters.