05-06-2012, 06:41 PM
Hit a little spot I found in December when I needed to get out of the house for a little while. This spot sees little to no angler pressure.
Carp were rooting, tails up, hanging out with their homies. Took a couple re-ties to figure out what they wanted.
I have one picture, which I will post when my phone finishes drying out.
Yeah, I fell in.
Caught about ten or so, biggest around 10lbs. Hardest fighting fish of the day was about 6lbs.
9' 6wt Diamondback Flawless had enough backbone to turn them back when they were causing me to use my palm drag.
And I never had to touch one with anything other than my hemostats and tip of my boot.
Carp were rooting, tails up, hanging out with their homies. Took a couple re-ties to figure out what they wanted.
I have one picture, which I will post when my phone finishes drying out.
Yeah, I fell in.
Caught about ten or so, biggest around 10lbs. Hardest fighting fish of the day was about 6lbs.
9' 6wt Diamondback Flawless had enough backbone to turn them back when they were causing me to use my palm drag.
And I never had to touch one with anything other than my hemostats and tip of my boot.