[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Last week I sent an email to the Bureau of Reclamation to ask them if they had any knowledge of issuing permits to fishing guides who take clients to Newton Reservoir for Tiger Muskies. Here is their response.[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][/#800000][/font]
Quote:Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. To the best of our knowledge right now, we are not aware of an issued permit to Greenflyclasses.com or anyone associated with the guide service. The review is occurring as I write back to you.
We will be undertaking the task to get the outfit permitted or they will need to find other non-Reclamation reservoirs for their guide services.
We are also looking into others who may be guiding on reclamation waters without a permit.
[cool][#0000ff]Bob, you are a rabblerouser. And that's a good thing. Nice work.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now if you could bend the right ears to get something done about the power squadron carnage on that water. It is not big enough for even one boat to open up beyond wakeless speed and not run afoul of the proximity rules. And on a typical busy day any anglers who venture forth are taking their lives in their hands. I am amazed that there have not been major injuries or deaths from the "interactions" between the PS and anglers.[/#0000ff]
funny thing is that the guy is still advertising on ksl every day, he does not seem to worry about being legal or not.
kinda makes you wonder if he just does not kniow or he does,t care.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Post a link to his ad or send it to me in a PM and I'll get it to BoR.[/#800000][/font]
guided tigermusky fishing
ogden, UT 84403 | May 9, 2012
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The fishing is really picking up!!! as you can see from the 48 inch Tigermusky i landed on the 9th of may. if you never heard of Tigermusky or just never had the luck of catching one. then your really missing out!!! I do guided musky trips at pineview lake in weber county UT. i have everything you will need all you need is your fishing license. and a intrest in catching the bigest meanest fish you will ever have on the end of your line EVER!!!!
Seller Contact Info
Home 801-686-4645
ad # 20342681 on ksl.com
hope this helps
he says hes licenced and insured to operate at pinview before i started asking questions and that hes booked for the next week or so
If you click on more ads by seller, he is also selling a sweet mongoose fighting a cobra mount. I would get it, just because I grew up reading the book ricki-ticki tavi. Reminde me to pick that book up for my son.