theekillerbee and i took my 12yr old nephew out in my boat today to east canyon launched at 7:30 water temp was 54* air temp was 33* trolled over by the dam and back and forth to boat ramp boated 30+ fish today using apexes, flatfish and kokenee kings tipped with night crawler. not really any huge ones 10-15 inches. caught fish between 20-50ft down in 100ft of water. good day to be on the water
It was a great day to be out. The fishing was pretty consistant all morning long. We didn't go long without having a bite. We even had a couple of double hook-ups in the boat, including a single double....I managed to get two fish in one fell swoop! One took the apex, the other took the king. I've got a pic of it, I'll have to post tomorrow. It was fun taking Jason's nephew out. Always nice to get a kid into a few fish.
Great report P4L and TKB, it sounds like the catching is really picking up at East canyon. I bet there were no water skiers out there this time huy? What time did you get off the water?
Hey TKB, I've never heard of anyone using a Apex and a Kokanee king on the same line, how did you rig that setup? Great job on the double single, looking forward to that picture. WH2
The catching has picked up lately. We just couldn't figure out where the bigger fish we were catching earlier this year went. We tried several depths, but just couldn't hook anything over 14 inches. Maybe next time. We left about 1230, I had to be to work. The fish were still hitting consistently. It's always tough to leave when the bite is on! No waterskiers on this trip! Only 4-5 other boats on the water.
I rig my set up as follows. Atattched to the end of the line is a swivel. From there I put on the Apex (or whatever lure I am using), usually on an 18-24" leader. Also to this same swivel, I attatch a 48" leader. Then my Dipsy Diver goes on, and on the diver I have about a 36" leader, my flasher, another 18-24" leader and the other lure (this time the Kokanee King). So there is 3-4 vertical feet of H2O between lures while trolling. All my swivels are single, not 3 ways or plain snaps. It takes a little getting used to, and you need a long trolling rod to manage it, but it has been very effective for me. Helps me present 2 styles/colors of lures to give the fish an option. Here is the pic of the two fish. Neither are monsters, but it's kinda nice to land 2 fish at the same time. Hope this info helps.