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Full Version: First trip to uintas
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My wifes heading out of town this weekend so I am planning on taking the boys up to the uintas this saturday. They are 4, 5, and 12 so I was wondering on where you guys think would be the best place to go. Will be doing some fly and spin fishing. What type of flies, bait and spinners work up thier. And what type of weather do you think we can expect. I Been wanting to go for a long time and think it will be a blast. Planning on spending all day up thier and we just have a little car so no 4 wheel to get around so would like something as close to the main road as possable. And if anyone else is wanting to go up let me know and we can meet up if you want. Thanks for any help hope its a good farther son trip Im sure they will have a blast!
Trial ,Lost and Mirror lake are all easy to reach. Highs have been in the 50's but might make 60's with the warm up coming. Everything works especially this early in the season.
Thanks do you know how much open water they have or if thier is still snow up thier at all, might take my float tube up thier as well, I hope this warming continues!
I'd take your tube. Things are starting to open up throughout the area. By the weekend should be a lot of open water. Snow is spotty and generally a foot or less.
I was planning on it, should be a blast hope to catch a few different kinds of fish I have never caught, and use my tube for the first time!
Try Olive Wolly Buggers under a clear bobber on a spinning/bait casting rods. Worms may work well under a clear bobber. I like Trial lake, because most people use bait there and wolly buggers are the ticket. Lots of hungry fish.
If u find a lake up there with vedgition and the flies arecomming out use elk hair caddis because the tiger trouts love them so much as well you can catch rainbows as well. If that doesn't work id use prince nymphs with an indication and slow retrieves and stop for 20 sec and couple more small strips or use wooly buggers and figure how fast they like the bait moving because so far this year from where I go fly fishing they loved fast strips and 1-3 sec wait and back in stripping. If u find the right speed u will feel tons of hits XD
Be sure to post some pics. My son's first fish that he cast and brought in own his own was at Lost Lake when he was 5 years old. It was right after ice off and before they stocked it for the season. It was an 18 inch rainbow. It was by far the skinniest trout I've ever seen. Probable a pound at the most. Wish I had a picture. Enjoy your time with the kids.
RENEGADES!!!! LOL I am serious, fish them on top, sub surface...they work! Also Royal Wulff. I want to get up there soon
I agree 100% with renegades. I like smaller flies. You can get your boys set up with a bubble and 4 ft leader. They should catch fish.
thanks for the help everyone, I will have to tie some up this week, so it will be a double bounus hopefully, my first fish on my own fly and first time in the uinatas. Hope all goes well, looks pretty easy to tie too thanks FG.
Sorry forgot one thing what size are you thinking in this pattern.
#14's and #16's work for me.
Maribou jigs, 1/16 ounce in brown, black or olive. These work especially well for the brook trout, but all other Uinta species as well.
[quote Tarponjim]#14's and #16's work for me.[/quote]

YUP! even 12's
Awesome I only found one video on you tube but I need to go get some white hackle for the front, I tied a few with just brown hackle so I can try those too maybe, but will tie some more up tomorrow once I get more supplies!