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Full Version: Boat Related Inquiry for help.
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Hello BIG FISH TACKLE Fishers ...

My inquiry is somewhat fishing related; because it involves the boat.

I need instructions or a diagram on how to reassemble my '85 Mercury Quicksilver Quicksilver remore control / throttle / forward / neutral / reverse shifter. I have searched internet for hours & still have not found what I needs. I believe I have a early Commander model. Long story short, my boy dis-assembled for re-upholstery & I think I am missing a part or two, unsure.

The handle is stuck in upright position & in neutral. I push in the neutral release & try to move, but nothing is mechanically happening. The button is to engage the release lever to move the lock pin out of nuetral; however, nothing is grabbing or contacting the top end of the whole mechanism. LOL.. If any of that made any sense to ya; you probably know what I need.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I just replaced some parts on my Mercury 3000 control. I might be able to help, got any pics of what you are looking at?
I have an 85 bayliner, not sure which control, your welcome to look at it.
I sent you a pm.
Where you located ? If needs be, I might come take a look.
[quote Uintaman]I have an 85 bayliner, not sure which control, your welcome to look at it.[/quote]

These are pictures of what info I need to find out.

[#000080]Note: don't check the Inline box unless you also post the pictures Inline.[/#000080]