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Full Version: What kind of bass is this?
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Caught this guy Monday, fishing from the rocks, using a large deep-running spinning blade of some kind, don't remember the brand. (Bought it at Wal-Mart, it comes in a multi-pack, lol) Anyway I saw a boil of shad and cast beyond it, and retrieved the lure through the boil, and this guy nailed it. I THINK it's a wiper, but I'm not positive. Any thoughts? Have pix from about 3 different angles here.

Thanks [Smile]
It looks like a white bass. Where were you fishing? If it was deer creek the fish and game guys might want to know you caught it there. Last year several were caught there and the DNR guys are hoping they dont take hold. Anyway curious about where you caught it. Since you mentioned a boil of shad if you were at Willard Bay it would indeed be a wiper
If she saw a boil of shad I am hoping that he was at Willard or Powell.

Hard to tell but I would lean towards a wiper also.
Yes I caught that and edited my post. If willard indeed a wiper. Lurkin is a she by the way.[:p]
I was not aware of that and fixed my post also. [shocked]

Thanks for the heads up.
Use to catch a lot of these in Oklahoma years ago.
Called white bass or sand bass. If memory serves me right
the lines going down the side of him will be broken and ofset a little
about 3/4 of the way back if its a hybrid or what you a wiper.
I am fairly certain you caught a Wiper due to the fact the body is slimer and has broken lines,(Striped Bass line do not break)White Bass have deep bodes and trend to be smaller and stocky.
Bet it fought hard and convicted you to try for another though.[Wink]
Good job!
You are correct, It is a hybrid.

And he was probably at willard.

It's wiper! Smile
I'd go with Wiper - the broken horizontal lines are a tell. White bass lines are solid. 5-7stripes for a whitie, 6-8 for a wiper. The size of the fish would help to know. It's say if it's much over a foot, surely into Wiper class.

I thought the Wipers were supposed to do the boiling, not the shad?

I think the LIZ in "her" name isn't a reference to a reptile.
So LL - weren't you moving out of state? Just haven't got away yet? Wasn't a Wiper one of your bucketlist wish-fish.

Well Done!
That's so funny, in this discussion you guys echoed the same discussion I had with myself. "Well, the lines are faded and a *little* bit broken, definitely not a striper... but it's really not deep bodied and arch-backed enough for a white bass...but if it was a wiper it would have more broken and offset lines...wouldn't it?" Plus prior to this guy I caught a smaller one, that was pretty much plain white--so I was thinking THAT was a white bass.

I wasn't at Willard, I was actually out of state (which has zero activity on these boards, which is why I asked here instead of there...[Tongue]) but the lake I was fishing has wipers, white bass, and striped bass all three.

I may have used the word "boil" incorrectly. It was a bunch of little forage fish screaming, running, and leaping their little bodies in all directions, trying to get away from predator fish. Made the water look like it was boiling.

I didn't measure it but if I had to guess, I'd say 13"-14".

Sounds like we've more or less settled on wiper, in which case it isn't a first for me. I've never caught a white bass or a striped bass before, but have caught a wiper at Willard.

Yep, 'Yote, we're in the process of moving. My other half is already there, and I've been there visiting him about 3 times. Waiting to get a house, and for the kids to get out of school. (I do like reptiles, actually...had pet lizards as a kid [cool])

Thanks for your help, all. Not an easy one to identify!
It's no doubt a white bass, trust me LOL.
Okay so now we're more-or-less even, white bass or wiper/hybrid.

Anyone want to jump in here and give some more info on whether this is a white bass or a wiper, and why they think so?

So far I've gone back and forth a few times, lol...

Thanks all!
Now knowing that it is from anoter state I would change my vote to white bass also. Just knew that shad and white bass don't live together in Utah but this info puts a whole new white on things. LOL
Judging from the pictures I'd say it's probably a largemouth bass nice catch!
Its is absolutely positively a white bass, the stripes get broken down past the lateral line. Its not real deep bodied in your pic, but you get those from time to time. Heres a white bass that even has broken stripes above the lateral line (from ut lake yes its a white bass for sure), and in the second pic you can see there are a few breaks, but still uniformity. On the wipers there are really no stripes just a bunch of random broken lines
Heres a link so possibly my original assessment was correct . White Bass?
[url ""][/url]
Great link, thank you. I was right next door to there. [Smile] I think I agree with you, and the others who have said it's a whitey. Which would be a first for me, I haven't caught tons of bass in my life, especially one that large, and never a whitey. Cool! Too bad I didn't have time to fry him up and eat him, I bet he would have been tasty. Just unhooked him and let him grow to catch another day.

Thanks all, that's one of the things I love about this forum, all of the help that the members are willing to give each other.

Tight lines to you all!
That is most deffinately a Wiper. If you zoom into the second photo you can see that the 1st lateral line is distinct and goes all the way to the tail. Since the fish was only 13-14" the breaks in the lines won't be as prodominate as they are on the 20"ers. The deffinition of the fish just doesn't say White bass. The pictures would say more if the entire fish was totally out of the water. Great job on the wiper! [cool]
Oh no...[crazy]

Well, whatever he was, he was fun to catch, and I really appreciate everyone's input! [cool]
[laugh] Im sticking with whitey. Here is a picture with a few on ice.-