Fishing Forum

Full Version: New to Eastern Idaho
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Hey guys. My name is Scott Page and am a student here in Rexburg, Idaho. I am from Boise. I want to do some fishing this weekend but am not familiar with the area. I am thinking of going to the PaliSades and try to do some shore fishing or below the dam. I would love some ideas where to go in the area. Thanks!
Welcome to BFT. I don't know where the best place would be for this weekend. I haven't heard many local reports. If I could fish this weekend I might try Blacktail on Ririe Res for perch?

If I had a choice between fishing paliSades or below the dam at paliSades, I take below the dam almost every time, especially now with favorable water flows. Good fishing going on down there right now.
Welcome to the good side of the state Wink there are a few of us on here that go to Byui, fishing on paliSades ie about as fruitful as fishing in your bathtub. The river below has been fishing well though. Silver rapalas have done well for us. Aswell as a good bug hatch before dadi.
Thanks for the info everyone!
welcome! you got some good advise, take it and fill us in with a good report[fishon]