Hey there guys,
General Question: Have you thought of getting a Lifetime Fishing License? (if your state has one)
The new year is coming and California's annual fishing licenses start Jan 1st. As you may be aware, there will be a number of changes in license fees, etc. to be initiated by the California DFG. I am becoming increasingly wary of what some of these changes might be a harbinger of.
I am now seriously considering getting a lifetime fishing license. For my age (53) it would be $445 for the resident license. I could also get a whopping good deal for $150 (lifetime fishing package) more that would include two-rod, ocean enhancement, striper stamp, salmon punch card and steelhead report card. Now, that's a deal. For life!!!!
I'm afraid if I don't get it I'll be sorry. Just wondering about you guys and your long term plans.
age verses price....
I would have when they first came out in mishigan. they dont exist any more unless you have perchased one.
the only problem with ours here in michigan is that they did not throw in the trout and salmon stamp in with the general life time fishing license. out state at one time offered every license up to a life time license other than migritory and salmon stamps.
that right you could get a life time deer license, life time bunny license a life time trapping icense. I would have grabed a few but at the time I could not afford it. so I pay the eventualy growing price of license fees. thie diffrence depending on how they raise for me when they came available would be about a hundred bucks per license.
just remember though a life time license is just that "a license" a license that can be revoked for reasons yet unkown. but if you are any thing thke that president ron guy, it may be a good insurance policy, that way you wont have to wear out the excuse "I cant rember if I got a license or not at the beginnng of the season"
As Dave said,
Age Vs. Price. Being a youngen I would probably buy one, but my military life style wouldnt allow it. Moving so much from base to base , state to state and country to country gets old after awhile.[crazy]
Fishing should be free for military lol
Hey there Teroy,
Yes, I can fully understand your situation. I totally agree with you on the waiver(not free cause you're riskin' your neck for us) license you might get. Especially for a license outside your home/permanent address state.
On the bright side, I believe some states, including California, give the military resident status for fishing licenses.
Hi there davetclown,
Your comments are just what makes me feel more strongly about shelling out the cash. I plan to live in Southern California for the rest of my life. The only other place I would consider would be Florida or Louisana. I ain't trying to slight any state cause I know there's fantastic saltwater fishing (my true love) in all the salty states.
I don't plan to do something to lose it so I feel OK there and I almost always buy my license around December 15th for the next year.
It might be cool if they let you tatoo your license on your body so it would never get lost or stolen. Hummmm.. now where would I want to place that license! ha ha
If I were a hunter, I would get the license for sure. In California, lifetime hunting and fishing licenses cost the same. I'm worried more about the right to fishing rather than how much money I might save..... well that's not altogether true I guess.
[font "Arial"][size 2]I have the lifetime combo license for North Carolina. They let me fish and hunt for the rest of my life. I got them back in 1986 for $300, Now they cost $500. But at $40 a year, I have paid for mine, so I am fishing and hunting for free now. In North Carolina lifetime covers everything but the federal duck stamp and it is around $15 each year.[/size][/font]
I've thought about getting one. I like Minnesota but don't know if I want to make this my final residency. Nice thing about getting a permanent though... even if I move to another state, I can always come out here and fish without having to buy an out-of-state license.
I like your thinking Ron lol[

Hi there guest,
Have you registered here as yet? It's easy and the info required is minimal or did you jsut forget to log in? You might get some goodies to boot! ha ha
I just put my money (I'm waving it bye bye) where my mouth is and sent off my $595 today! Ouch Ouch Ouch
Turns out they send you a new one year license every year! I made a big deal out of the fact that I always fish on January 1st every year and said to send it in advance. It will be interesting how they do the punch card and report card.
That $.25 is a good idea and nice insurance. By paying that, I guess they guarrantee they'll search for you but do they also guarrantee a rescue. Sounds fishy to me. I can see paying 12 1/2 cents up front but.......??? Hey, I wasn't born yesterday! ha ha ha
For some reason, this message board didn't recognize me when I posted a reply last time. Guest should have read JohninColorado. On that $.25 surcharge on hunting and fishing licenses, without it having been paid, then the rescusee could be billed for the cost of the rescue by the rescuers, and that can get very expensive. More than once has a rescue helecopter gone down while attempting a rescue, or on the way, and they had to be rescued. I think a chopper fully equipped for mountain resecue carries a price tag in the neighborhood of $10 - $15,000,000 (pilot not included). Try collecting that from your homeowners insurance. But well worth the price if you're stranded above 10,000 ft, in a ravine, with a broken leg and a winter storm is brewing with the temperature dropping fast and you're just in summer clothes with just a Snickers bar in your pocket and your lighter just went dry.
Hi there johnincolorado,
Yes.... absolutely! Of course, I was just being silly on the 12 1/2 cent deal. Nice reminder about just who is out there and why? Not only the investment and paid guys but but volunteer rescue people i.e. guys like you and me that take time to get certified in various medical and emergency skills just in case and are ready to lend a hand when called. I'll be going to my CERT refresher class here next month.
Your buddy, Simper Fi
I would agree with that you guy put your lives on the line with things like Iraq, and the middle east, as if training accidents aren't enough. And you're right about having to move constantly, what just about every two or three years right?