I need some help for fly fishing bass ??? What are good lakes for fly fishing bass and what type of stuff is good????
I have never caught one on a fly rod and thats one of my goals for this summer to catch one.
I only catch trouts, bluegills, and grayling so far so i need to increase my list up ^_^
im a newbie fly fisher and still live in texas. I caught my first couple of bass. the water was really clear so i could see them well. i caught a smaller large mouth on a #6 muddler minnow. i noticed the larger bass are pickier and dont seem to go for smaller flies. so im just assuming something larger in fly sizes and something that resembles their diet.
I just got back from Powell and I slaughtered the smallmouth on flies. Early morning they took poppers off the surface, which was amazing. The rest of the day they took clouser minnows, big wooly buggers, and crawdad patterns. Obviously, Powell is a different animal, but I've caught a few LMB at Utah Lake this year. Two on a huge brown wooly bugger that I tied up to kinda look like a crayfish, and another one on a FlyGoddess special fly: Olive/yellow/white perch minnow type thing. Caught a crap load of smallmouth on that exact same fly in LP this week before the shore finally ate the fly. That single fly caught 1 LMB and probably 30 smallies. FG is a hell of a tier!
I have killed them at the Gorge (although not targeting them) Pulled into a small bay one day while trout fishing and could see them stacked up against the shore, grabbed the 6 wt. with floating line and a Black Wooly Bugger and hooked up pretty much every cast for an hour or more.
Ya if I go there I might try fly fishin again because last year I spent 1hr and nothing. Switched to jigs on bass rod one after another.
You may want to try Pineview also, I dumbed into a whole mess of them one day while trying to catch a Tiger. Was fishing near some flooded brush and was again hooking up on almost every cast.
Ya that was one of my plans. I wish camping price was so rediculious. $44+ a night no thanks. Hate them now.
i have got small mouth at deer creek and rockport on size 10 throw 6 dark buggers start the season small and let your buggers get bigger with the bait fish i have never reilly targeted larges but have got them at DC looking for smalles
Sounds good I'll try that. Do u know what kind of popers are good?? And where to get then plus where u get the bugger?
i have never tried popers and i ty my owe buggers but you can get them anywhere olive is my favorite but black brown white will work to sportsmens has a good selection and the guys there are great at talking fish
Ok sounds good thanks for this great info
Besides what everybody mentioned, also try patterns with rabbit strips and rubber legs. They have a lot of movement in the water and a slow fall. They're kind of like a plastic worm for the fly rod.