05-20-2012, 09:00 AM
Todd Trivett and his Dad, Jerry, came down from Knoxville for a Scenic City Fishing voyage today. It was a &quot;hunt &amp; peck&quot; sort of day. The drift bite for catfish is lackluster at best. There&#39;s a few key spots holding some decent fish, but only one (I know about) that is consistently holding quality fish. If that hole dries up on me, I&#39;m in trouble. emoEek <br /><br />We had to use our patience pills today. But it paid off with six or eight quality fish in the 10 to 25 lb. range, and a goodly number of eaters scattered here and yon. I&#39;d say we easily passed 150 lbs. of fish in a six-hour day. Can&#39;t complain about that.<br /><br />We also enjoyed a 30-minute &quot;ultralight break&quot; when MrWhiskers put us on a goggle-eye hole. We didn&#39;t find the goggle-eye, but we found a passle of good bluegill, a couple of spots and a couple of cats that pushed the ultralight rods to the limit. And that means life is good and gettin&#39; better every day!<br />