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TDT was sicker than a dog today, so I had to go solo. Thought, "hey maybe I should try to get the Artic Grayling off the bucket list". So to Smith and Morehouse I went. On my way I ran into a spot where you could fish the upper Weber River. Got on the river and saw that the flows were way too high. But you know me I casted and walked along side the torrent anyways. Did find 1 hole...that's right 1....on the other side of the raging torrent! Threw the Rapala and got a taker, but that fast water took the fish right off the hook. Needed a helicopter to land fish on that river today. So I got a few more takers but they all came off in the current.
[Image: 790922.JPG]

Got up to Smith and Morehouse in no time. The road was recently graded so getting up there was smoother than pavement. Tried below the dam....nothing, just a boil or two. Went on the dam side of the reservoir and decided to throw a few casts.
[Image: 790923.JPG]

Landed 3 Rainbow Trout and lost many others on the Grey/Black Roostertail...this time in size 1/6. Wanted a Grayling or even a Tiger Trout so I switched up to a CD 3 Rainbow Rapala. Went to cast and zzzzzzzzz thunk...the lure was not even that far out....not a ton of line left. This morning I searched for my spare reels, but I must have left them in someones car. Sure enough as I went to lift that Rapala out of the water a Tiger jumped for it. With not much of a casting distance left I went to the upper river...which long story short....high flows, and sucked.
[Image: 790924.JPG]
[Image: 790925.JPG]

Driving home I decided to hit the Middle Weber River. To my surprise the flows were not outragous and I was able to get 7 Brown Trout before the sun went down. Got them on the Rainbow Rapala in size CD 3 and CD 7. Luckily with my lack of line I did not get a monster. Would have killed me to see a fish take the line to the point of nothingness.
[Image: 790926.JPG]
[Image: 790927.JPG]
[Image: 790928.JPG]
[Image: 790929.JPG]

So all in all I saw some new stretches of river, visited some old holes and never got the grayling of the bucket list. I did get 10 fish which equals a good day in my book, but the catching was in the "I really had to work for them" catagory today. My arms, upper back and wrist are sore as could be....been fishing too much lately. Someone else take over for me this week k?
Love the browns. Very jealous that I've not had the time to get out and enjoy the fantastic spring fishing. Enjoy every minute of it....I'm sure I don't need to tell you that though.

My folks live up by S&M and I've fished it quite a bit over the years -- I've never seen a grayling come out of there. I honestly didn't know they were in there.
Great pics as always. Glad you found a few fish even on your short line. I second the "didnt know there were grayling in smith morehouse". I have caught a bunch of small ones at some lakes in the uintas but not at smith morehouse.....I could be wrong maybe they put some in there but I never heard of one caught there.
Me too I thought for the Weber Drainage you had to go higher up. I don't think Ive ever heard of a Greyling being caught out of S&M but I could be wrong, never underestimate mother nature.
they are in there but very few and far between. if you have access try higher on the river, if not head to Xmas meadows and fish the creek above the lake, a freaking ton of them in there
[quote kochanut]they are in there but very few and far between.[/quote]

Ahh man you got to em first. Here is a stocking report from 2009. A buddy of mine got a 14 inch grayling out of there while trolling a gold jakes last year up there.

SMITH-MOREHOUSE RESSummitGRAYLING ARCTIC102941.86"08/25/2009[Image: clear.gif][Image: clear.gif][Image: clear.gif]

SummitGRAYLING ARCTIC62372.49"09/23/2009
another place you might want to try if you have access to a boat or a toon (this time of year) with some power on it is rockport. when the kamas hatchery was closed down for cleaning they dumped quiet a few in there. we got one right above the lake, but below the bridge early this year and it was a nice little suprise. nothing huge but cool none the less.