Fishing Forum

Full Version: drumking, Tims Ford, bass and crappie, 19 May 2012, Bent Rod
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What a day on the water at Tims Ford for Bent Rod and me. We were fishing for Crappie all the time, but we caught nearly everything except Crappie today. Oh, we did catch 3 black nose with the biggest at 13". All fish were released today. We caught 3 hybrid stripes under one dock. We caught yellow bass and white bass under other docks. Under another dock, I hooked a good spotted bass and when it came out from under the dock, it brought 2 more spots with it, so Rick just dropped a jig straight down while I just let the one that I had on run around in circles and he hooked up and landed one of the two that was following mine. Fun to do stuff like that.<br /><br />We did fish some brush early, but when the sun got up high overhead, we just went to running from dock to dock and scanning to see if there were any fish there. When we would see fish, we would stop and fish and we caught fish under every dock that we saw fish on. We landed 1 largemouth bass, I don't know how many yellow and white bass, 1 meanmouth and the 3 crappie. The crappie at Tims must be in transition because they aren't bunched up good yet. At least we didn't find them today.<br /><br />We both used 1/32 oz jigs with Bobby Garland plastics 2" shads. One color was better than the other couple that we tried, but Rick swore me to secrecy on that color. He said that it doesn't get fished much over there. emoBigSmile That will change with the weather. Next week, you probably can't buy a strike on it. I had a great time, Rick and those 2 new docks that we found, certainly have to be our first stop next time over. Thanks for being a good guide and for the jigs. emoBigSmile emoGeezer