Do catfish get whirling disease? I went cat fishing last night down on utah lake, I caught a channel about 12" with his body bent almost in half.
As far as I know trout are the only fish that get whirling disease. I don't know how to explain the catfish you caught but there isn't much chance it has the WD. WH2
Could very well have been some form of congenital anomaly. All the info I've read say that trout are most affected. Some trout, like German Browns, are less effected, but can still get it. I think you could take it to a local DWR office and one of the biologists could give you an educated opinion.
maybe its the water LOL i caught a walleye with a S shape kink in its back out of utah lake this year
I talked to fish and game this morning. He said it was probably and abnormality from birth, most fish are eaten or die before they get very big but some do survive.
Maybe you broke his back when reeling him in. You probably thought that he was a monster 20 pounder and set the hook accordingly! LOL Just kiddin.