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Full Version: Lucerne Valley Fishing Derby
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The Kokanee Creek team edged out the second place team by about 1/2 in. to win first place in the Derby this past weekend. The winning fish weighed in at 4.25 lbs. and was 22 3/8 in. long. The team consisted of Art Pierce and George Gates. They caught the fish near Buckboard on a Kokanee Creek pink splatter spoon,10 in. behind a moonshine dodger.
Nice, good to hear that KCT is catching some big ones. Is that guy fishing with Art the guy I meet last year when fishing up there, I believe Art said he was the owner of Oyspray(sp?) lures?
Yea Curt, thats the guy, he's a long time friend of ours.
George used to own Osprey, he sold it to Jared a few years back.
LOL, well that was the story I heard as well, until I talked to George last year and he said that was not the case. So I'll stay out of that one[:/].
Me too!