Ive always been told they was in that place and lomont and others but never seen first hand until yesterday! While out there blue gill fishing (which was on FIRE!!) all of a sudden the blue gill banished out of thin air.. I thought that was kinda weird and then my buddy yelled what is that! looked down and not even a foot off the bank this guy was just prowling around we followed him for awhile and he just kept making his way.. Its kinda hard to see em this was a fast pix with my cell phone... I thought it was kinda cool...(hope you can see the musky its hard to see em but these are the best pix i have)
The blue gills where small but plenty.....
Them fish have to.be monsters bynow
If i had to guess this one was 21 in is all.
Cool, I would love to see one of the TM.
How small were the bluegill. Last time I was there they were about 3 to 4 inches. Lots of them, but seriously small buggers!
So there reproducing or F&G stocked without saying they did.eather way awesome. F%G had said they were going to stock a few places this year with them in south east Idaho to help with the perch and blue bill population. Last spring a 52" came out of another spot here in.south east Idaho. Wish I still had the picture of it I would post it up. I didnt catch it a guy I know did. He donated the place for about a month and only marked 4 of them in the place l.
Thanks for posting; Way cool.
I had also read somewhere Idaho was going to plant some again but I didn't catch where.
yeah 3-4 inches is about all they was. Big enough to keep my daughter busy though [fishon]
They are fun little buggers for the kids.
I am glad to hear that they have got some new TM in there. Hopefully it will thin the bluegill enough to increase their size by an inch or two.
F&G must have planted them, because Tiger Musky are sterile. Neat to come across one. That is a fish I have wanted to catch for a long time...
one time prvrt and i were fishing lamont in our pontoon boats and had a muskie explode on something on the surface right in between us. it was not a small fish either it was a big boy.
i just wonder if it would be worth a shot to target them????
why not? rip a big lure threw all the downed trees. i would do it.
Just never thought about it i guess? I guess its time to read up and get targeting a new fish. Any one have any input? Ive never fished for em nor do i even know a thing about them lol. Lots of YouTube time is in my future!
I hooked a couple at Newton Dam last summer while fishing for bass, but they broke my line every time i got them up to the surface. With their teeth I would definitely recommend a steel leader
I hope that F&G didn't plant them! Would ruin the trout & bass fishery at Johnsons.
3 weeks ago there was a dead one at Lamont.. HUGE! I've pegged a couple on occasion in Lamont but not many. Never seen any at Johnsons.
In my experience steel-leader spooks em. I use a Perch rapala crank diver on braided... slow troll. If pitching try top water blades and big bass frogs.
If you want to catch one your best to try Newton...
Smiles Always!
No, it is not, it is waste of time. Make sure and tell everyone that it is not worth fishing for them and that they can not be caught [
] The last time they were planted in there was 2006. There are some really big ones in there and other resevoirs in the area. They do bite sometimes [
They were planted 1997, 2000, 2002, and 2006. So if the fishing has been good int he last 15 years, they have not affected it. The are two other place they have planted them also.
Just checkin that out. I wonder why Newton has become such a lousy fishery?? Maybe because the Tigers were triple the size when planted?
I'm guessing that the other fish must of devoured the 6" fingerlings at the Idaho lakes when planted leaving very few swimmin around. Tigers in my opinion are highly over rated.
Smiles Always!
It would be interesting to see if they do affect it much. I have not fished the places up here for that long, so I do not know. There are still some really good bass and trout in there. The blue gill numbers are through the roof though. They are a cool fish to catch, but not to fish for (too much time between fish) . I would much rather spend my time chasing eyes [
The two the places they were planted no longer have them. One of the places was drained to a mud puddle literally to.fix the dam. And the other place was poisend to get rid of invasive plants and carp.BIggest downer about lamont is there is only room.for about 6 trucks with boats to park. And there is no.camping spots. almoast the entire reservoir is no trespassing around the whole place and the land owners are very stricket and will press charges if they catch you on there land.. Lamont isnt worth any ones time if there planning on traveling and hoping for a place to.camp... Just not worth it. And besides the trout are small and so are the bass and the muskie are to.far and inbetween to chase. I recomend newton it has more and has camp.ground.