05-22-2012, 03:29 AM
We didn't get on the water until after 10 am and fished the shoreline just south of rabbit gulch. We trolled a silver blade worm harness between 20 and 40 ft.. We ended up with one 16" walleye and a 19" rainbow. We fished for about four hours and then called it a day. Only mishap I had was I forgot to put the plug in my boat at launch and noticed the water in floor drain when we left. I was sure happy the bilge pump worked. I didn't tell my wife about it until we got back to the docks. Anyone interested in teaching me how to jig for walleye. I have never caught a walleye jigging for them only bottom bouncing worm harness. I think it might be my technique, I always see people cleaning a lot of fish and I am lucky to have 2-3 walleyes at most. I would have no problem paying gas expenses in your boat or mine.