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Full Version: Night Fishing jordan River !!!
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Went night fishing back at willow park. It was adventurous. First of all I went by myself and I hate going fishing by myself at night its way freaky. Especially on the river. Putting my fears aside I took out my two poles and put a dead shad minnow on a hook with a 1 oz wieght and a swivel. other pole had a plain ole bobber swivel and a hook i used worms at first. Landed the bobber right in between a inlet and the jordan river. Went to my car to get a drink, came back and my bobber was bouncing up and down. Pulled up tons of mudcats through out the night. Things are super annoying when they swallow your hook all the time. Decided to start packing up and bam my bobber was going crazy bouncing up and down and side to side. Finally a channel cat about 12-13in long and about 3-5 lbs but ill take it. My biggest channel cat of the year. It was caught about five feet from the shoreline that I was standing on. The only bait I caught any fish with is worms. Used shad and chicken liver with no hits at all.
Nice fish. I hate those Mudders! Tip: Use bigger hooks and bigger bait. I know that sounds dumb, but if those little guys can't get it in their mouth, they won't swallow it. If I'm with my kids, Mudders are great, but when I'm hunting big channels, I don't go smaller than a 1/0. If if I have to use worms, I put two or three full worms and wrap them all up in a giant ball.

Off topic, I have that SAME tool box/plastic box thingy that you have in your picture -- except mine was full of crayons and my "rock collection" from when I was a kid, 25 years ago... Memories!
Sounds like a fun adventure. Do you have a bobber with a light?

Not sure if you use the same kind of scale and ruler I do, but I usually find a footlong about a lb, then about a two footer gets up to the 5 lb mark. But YMMV.

I tend to get hit by the mudders more on worms, while my shrimp usually return channels. Plus - they do tend to hit different.
i fished the jordan last night at about 7800 south and between me and my dad we each caught one channell each at about 20 inches{small for the jordan} and tons of WB and some big suckers and carp, everything was caught on worms except the channels, got them on whole WB minnows that i caught, they were like 4 inches just cut off all the spines and head, pretty fun but my big cat daddy wasnt wanting to play last night.