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How's the road into Steck Park?

Going to Brownlee for a couple days next week and trying to decide if I wanna go to Steck or Woodhead.
About a month ago the road just had a lot of pot holes but was doable if you go slow and careful.
With that said are you planning to fish from you're boat? If so is their a reason you ruled out farewell bend across the river?
It has nice camping spots, shade, and its takes less time to drive to.
The only down side I see is you can't fish from the shore without an ore license.
Will you be fishing for cat, crappy, bass or all of they above?
Good luck
I'm taking my bass boat. I just thought that maybe if I put in / camped at Steck instead of Farewell bed there would be less lumber to plow throuh in the boat. You were just up there, what do you think?
I think the current is flowing past farewell steck and spring keeping that area mostly debris free. The bad section was in-between spring and the cemetery where the current stops.
Just be back by dark I would hate to try and navigate arround those logs in the dark.

I went to Woodhead instead.
Was the campground full? Thinking about heading up Friday night.
It was clear full by Friday night. You will want to get there as early as you can.